Wildlife Through the Lens: Best Practices and Pitfalls to Avoid


The art of wildlife photography is a captivating pursuit, allowing us to capture the beauty and essence of the natural world through the lens of a camera. Whether you’re a seasoned professional like Cody Moxam or an enthusiastic amateur, there are essential best practices to follow and potential pitfalls to avoid when venturing into the realm of wildlife photography.

Best Practices

Respect Wildlife and Their Habitat:

The first and foremost rule of wildlife photography is to prioritize the welfare of the animals and their environment. Do not disrupt their natural behavior, and maintain a respectful distance to avoid causing stress or harm. He is an esteemed wildlife photographer, exemplifies this practice by conducting extensive research on the species he photographs, understanding their habits, and ensuring minimal intrusion.

Patience is Key:

Wildlife photography demands patience. Spend ample time observing your subjects and waiting for the perfect moment to capture their natural behaviors, such as hunting, feeding, or nurturing their young. He often spends days, if not weeks, waiting for the ideal shot.

Use the Right Equipment:

 Invest in quality camera gear and lenses designed for wildlife photography. A telephoto lens with a long focal length will allow you to capture distant subjects without disturbing them. Tripods, monopods, and bean bags can help stabilize your shots.

Master Your Camera Settings:

Understand your camera’s settings, including ISO, aperture, and shutter speed. Adjust these settings to adapt to changing lighting conditions and the behavior of your subjects. Cody Moxam emphasizes the importance of knowing your camera inside out, enabling you to make quick adjustments when needed.

Study Lighting:

 Lighting plays a pivotal role in wildlife photography. The golden hours during sunrise and sunset offer soft, warm light that enhances your images. Pay attention to the direction of light and its impact on your subject’s appearance and mood.

Pitfalls to Avoid

Getting Too Close:

Approaching wildlife too closely can disturb their natural behavior and put you and the animals at risk. Always use long lenses and maintain a safe distance.

Using Flash Improperly:

Flash photography can startle or distress animals, so use it sparingly and considerate of the situation. Some animals are more sensitive than others, so research your subjects’ reactions to flash.

Over editing Photos:

While post-processing is essential, excessive editing can lead to unnatural-looking images. Strive for a balance between enhancing your photos and maintaining their authenticity.

Disregarding Ethics:

Some photographers may be tempted to manipulate the scene, bait animals, or engage in unethical practices to get a shot. He is known for his ethical approach, never compromising the well-being of his subjects for a photograph.


Wildlife photography is a privilege and a responsibility. By following best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can capture the beauty and majesty of the natural world while preserving the welfare of its inhabitants. As Cody Moxam has demonstrated throughout his career, a commitment to ethical photography and a deep respect for wildlife can lead to stunning and meaningful images that inspire and educate others about the importance of conservation. So, venture into the wilderness with your camera, but remember to do so with care and consideration for the creatures you encounter.