UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon said that many world leaders are supportive of the proposal that would earmark a staggering $100 billion per year over the next decade for […]
Read MoreEarthquakes and Tsunamis: How They Work
Earthquakes and tsunamis often go hand-in-hand. Tsunamis are generated when chunks of the planets crust separate under the ocean floor causing an earthquake. It can travel over the surface of […]
Read MoreCosmic Rays Hit 50-Year High
New data from a NASA spacecraft indicates that Galactic cosmic rays have just hit a Space Age high. This year, cosmic ray intensities have increased 19% beyond figures recorded in […]
Read MoreChina finds bird-like dinosaur with four wings
The fossil of a bird-like dinosaur with four wings have been unearthed by Chinese researchers in North-Eastern China. This could suggest a missing link in dinosaurs’ evolution into birds. A […]
Read MoreScientists design spacecraft to save Earth
Hollywood blockbusters such as Deep Impact and Armageddon brought the possibility of earth being hit by an asteroid front and center. These asteroids, also called near earth objects (NEO), miss […]
Read MoreChina and U.S. try to jumpstart stalled climate talks
Even with new proposals by China and the United States, a deadlock on talks over climate change could not be broken, despite the best efforts of world leaders. President Barack […]
Read MoreU.S. scientists net giant squid in Gulf of Mexico
American scientists down in the Gulf of Mexico accidently caught a giant nineteen foot squid just off the coast of Louisiana, according to a press statement released by the department […]
Read MoreWith Genetic Gift, 2 Monkeys Are Viewing a More Colorful World
Seems scientist have found a cure to color blindness in monkeys! Dalton and Sam, two of the cutest male squirrel monkeys in captivity, have been cured of their inability to […]
Read MoreStellar Fossils from Milky Way’s Past Revealed
Scientists now say a cluster of ancient stars is most likely the relic of a dwarf galaxy that amalgamated with the Milky Way in its early days. Named Terzan 5, […]
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